You can no longer be a Christian in the United States without being called a racist, or discriminating simply because the Christian disagrees against the lifestyles certain groups live. IE they live the way the Bible states they shouldn't.
Now if I'm a baker, a photographer or a clergy member and a homosexual couple comes into my establishment and asks me to do whatever it is I do, I should be able to tell them no because #1 it's my business, I own it. I have the right to do so. #2 I'm not discriminating against them. They aren't living the way my religion says they should and it goes against ME. My rights, my lifestyle. #3 Why should I be force do something I love doing, for someone living a lifestyle my religion and my God tells me is WRONG?
It just isn't right to force Christian business people to do business for people who go against their religious beliefs. The liberal left always says they want everyone to be equal, yet they are not being equal to Christians. They allow homosexuals and crazy Musulims to be cruel to Christians without doing anything, the liberals don't care about God or Christians.
I bet if a homosexual business owner was asked to make or do something for someone who told them they were sinning and living an immoral lifestyle, they would tell those people to take a flying leap, or tell them they were being racist. Then they'd call the media and nobody would call them racist or have their liveilhoodtaken away from them.
And the supreme court. How can they overrule what several states have decided? That is somethind I don't understand. Even in California. They voted not to allow homosexual marriages. The PEOPLE of the state voted against it, not for it. If the majority of the voters of any state doesn't want something, should any court be allowed to overrule it? I don't think so.
They say the US is becoming better because we're becoming less moral in allowing homosexuals to be accepted. We're not. Look at how bad things are. Homosexuality is a mental illness. It was that way in the past until the liberal left wing decided that was a group of people they needed on their side. So the liberals decided to do everything they could to remove homosexuality from being a mental illness.
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