
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hiow about adding these to menus

Restaurants have been made to add calories to their menus so people know how much they are consuming. There are more important things to add to the menus for people with diabetes, kidney failure and food allergies. So I believe if Mrs. Obama is so concerned about what we the American public are eating, not just how fat we are, and how much we consume, because it's really nobodies business, she should get on her high horse about adding the following:

#1 Carbohydrates for all items on the menu. Since there are a lot more new type 2 diabetics out there, wouldn't this be helping those people? I mean that's why she wanted the calories added to the menu. Now the calories doesn't help the diabetic because we no longer use calories for our insulin, but carbohydrate. So we need every restaurant to put the carbohydrate count on their menu. Yes there are places on-line that do this, but guess what. They all come up with different numbers. Even the Great Calorie King has different numbers. And if it's not a chain restaurant, it's a pain in the butt to find a food item in that stupid book. I know as I got both the 2015 ebook and the 2016 soft cover.

#2 Sodium count for all items on the menu. When you have kidney failure, you have to greatly limit your sodium intake. And what most people don't realize is there is sodium in everything. So for all those people who have kidney failure, and you can't tell just by looking at someone if they do have kidney failure, they either have to constantly ask for their food items to have no salt, or how much salt does something contain. If it were listed, it would be so much easier.

#3 Food allergies. Restaurants need to list what items are contained in their foods. Because there are more food allergies out there than peanuts and nuts. I have over 50 of them. Granted I don't go into anaphylactic shock but my reactions are problematic. The food item that has to most people allergic to it is soy. And that is in everything. I'm allergic to that. Try buying anything off the grocery shelf that doesn't contain soy.

1 comment:

Eric d said...

they,! do need to put that,! for us with Food, allergies !. i have, a lot of them !,. to many !

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