
Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17, 1965

I'm 5 years old. I don't know why, but I'm taken to the hospital. I've got to stay there for several days. They keep taking blood from my vein, telling me it's for my own good. Then they keep giving me shots! They tell me this is going to keep me alive. The only good thing about all of this is my cousins, who I don't see too often come to visit me.

51 years ago today, I was diagnosed as a Juvenile onset diabetic. My parents knew what it was, so they weren't in the dark like a lot of people are. Unfortunately, they didn't really care too much about me, so I had to do a lot of the care of this disease by myself.

By the time I was 9, I was given total control of my diabetes by myself. I used NPH, R was added in my teens, I still think they are great insulins. I had no problems with either of them. I went from U 40, to U 80 to U 100. From Beef to Pork, to Beef Pork mixture, then I went on the man made one.

I have no complications, which is only due to God's grace. I really didn't know what I was doing as a child because the only instruction I received was at two one week sessions of a diabetic camp. I went to Camp Needle Point in Hudson, Wisconsin.

Until 2014, after my cancer surgery I hadn't seen an endo. My parents didn't take me to see the one who diagnosed me more than 2 or 3 times. Several times my doctor recommended it. I saw my medical records a few years ago. In it I read where I'd had a fasting blood sugar of 490 he said I was to see my endo, it never happened.

I was switched to humalog and lantus because my endo doesn't like the old insulins. She doesn't believe they are any good. Well my numbers have remained the same since switching. She told me the pump would make things better. The only thing the pump has done is lessened the number of "insulin reactions" what I learned to call hypos or lows.

If I could, I'd be back on N and R because I really hate lantus and humalog. I know my endo wouldn't let me use R and I also don't know if you can use it in a pump.

I switched to lantus and humalog in 2014. My endo didn't like me figuring out my insulin via portions and calories, and using the sliding scale. I think that's because she didn't understand N and R. So I had to learn how to do carbohydrates, which is really stupid because most foods contains carbohydrates.

I consider carbohydrates starchy foods like potatoes, rice, potato chips. I don't consider pop (sugared) milk, candy carbohydrates. So I really got messed up when my CGM on my T:Slim G4 would tell me to eat carbs.

My lows come on a lot faster and feel worse with the humalog than they did with R.I really wish some of the bloggers and web pages that are for and talk about diabetics, especially juvenile onset/type 1 would stop saying all diabetics, or all type 1's do this or feel this. That we all do things the same way. Because we all don't.

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