
Thursday, January 5, 2017

Do Juvenile Onsets need other Juvenile Onsets as friends

Do Juvenile Onsets need other Juvenile Onsets as friends?

I don't have any diabetic friends, none. No juvenile onset, or type 1's as most of them like to call themselves now days, or type 2's. I have an aunt who is a type 2 and a brother-in-law, and they live out of state. But I have no juvenile onset friends who live close by. I know one with whom I email quite often. My question is, do we need to communicate with other diabetics and why?

The reason I ask is really simple. I don't act, think or behave like anyone else. I read posts from different diabetic forums, and blogs and I find that I just don't understand what the hell the people are talking about. Sure we all have juvenile onset diabetes, but that's the only similarity. I joined one forum specifically because it said I'd find friends and feel connected, that hasn't happened.

Where some of my differences are:
1) I hate with a passion both humalog and lantus insulins
2) I love N and R insulins and if I had my way I'd be using R right now.
3) I hate counting carbohydrates for figuring out my insulin. I used to, and this was before I got my pump in 2015, figure out my insulin by exchanges. As in how much my blood sugar was and then how much I was going to eat. Because let's face it everything we eat turns into sugars. Saying we're taking insulin for carbohydrates drives me bonkers. We're taking it for the sugars that the foods we eat turn into, simple and complex sugars.
4) I don't use any artificial sweeteners, none at all. I get terrible headaches from ALL of them. I hate the aftertaste they give you. And they all raise my blood sugar just as much as regular sugar and honey do. So I use sugar and honey. I've been doing this since my diagnosis in 1965 and since I have no complications, I see no reason why I should stop.
5) When I'm low, I say I'm in an insulin reaction. That is what we called it when I was little and growing up because that's what my doctor told us to say. I never say I'm in a hypo. To me that's like saying I'm inside a syringe. ICK.
6) When I'm low, I don't get confused unless I've been sleeping. I don't sweat unless I'm dropping rapidly or go low while sleeping. I don't have problems with my eyes going blurry, my legs don't feel like jelly while low. There is a point, and that is around 50 where I, as my son says, am a happy drunk. I get silly for a short time until I get lower or get higher.
7) I have a Dexcom G4 CGM and my Pump is a Tandem T:Slim G4. I'm not pleased with the CGM because it doesn't work well for me. When I first got the Dexcom, it was the G4 sensor and it was off from my meter as much as 100%+/-. When it became the G4/G5 sensor, I no longer get the 100%+/- differences, but I still get differences of up to 85%+/-. That is unacceptable to me.
Even what Dexcom and the FDA says is acceptable is NOT to me, 20%+/- from meters. I know I'm doing everything correctly, I'm not taking any medication or foods that are making my blood sugars wacky. There's just something with a few of us that doesn't work with the CGM's. I'm hoping that when Dexcom makes the G6, one of the pumps will have that integrated into it as well. I like the T:Slim, but I wanted and Anamis Vibe. So I'm hoping that will have the G6 in it.

So as I asked in my post name and beginning, Do Juvenile Onsets need other Juvenile Onsets as friends?

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