Alt right does not equal neo-natz or white supremacists. Stop calling people who are racist alt right. They are not. People who are in the right wing and consecrative are not racist any more than those who are in the left wing and liberal racist.
In both groups, those who were for removing the statue of Robert E. Lee and those who wanted the statue to stay, had both bad and good people in their groups. I don't understand why the media is going crazy because President Trump said this. It's true. People get your head out of your ass and THINK.
There are always kooks in groups of people. There are always people there who aren't sure what's going on. They are just there to be part of a crowd. They don't know what's happening, They are just there to participate in something, anything. They are basically gawkers. Just like at fires and car accidents. There are those people who like to watch what's happening. They don't know what's going on, but they want to watch, be a part of it.
I also don’t give a rats as what any actor, actress or other hollywood liberal person thinks about what has happened ANYWHERE. A good portion of them have biased left-wing beliefs. These are the ones who don't care about the average person. They don't know or don't care how the average person thinks or feels. They believe, because they are on the screen, that they should be worshiped. That somehow their thoughts, beliefs are more important than the people who pay to see them on the big screen or on their television each week.
I'm sick of the Republicans not sticking up for our president. They should since they belong to the same political party. They should support him in public. If they disagree with him, do so in private.
Also get your butts in gear, repeal and replace Obama Care. You've been promising that for 7 years. Do it NOW. You control the House, Senate and the President's Office. It's what we elected you to do. And Please remember congress. You're there because you've been elected, you can be replaced.
You morons also consider being in Washington your jobs. It was not set up to be that way. Our founding fathers did not want you to think of your being a US Senator or Representative as your sole means of supporting your family. You were to go to DC and do the countries work, then go back home, check on your districts. THEN go to YOUR REAL JOB.
to me, it a good thing. that Republicans are not sticking up for him,. & Obama Care, is better then trup care,. when he get Impeachment, i'm happy,.
Obama care raised the amount we had to pay for our insurance by $400 a month. That's outrageous. And a lot of people aren't getting health care because Obama care isn't working. Obama care isn't working.
President Trump is 100 times the President that Obama was.
Obama Care, doesn't work, so why keep it. There is no Trump care. The congress hasn't passed a bill to replace Obama care yet, it's the media that called it Trump care, there isn't any republican health care bill yet.
President Trump has not done anything to warrant being impeached. You may not like him or how he does thing, but he hasn't done anything that warrants him being impeached.
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