
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I am offended

Here are a few of the things that Offends me:
Using the word gay for those who are of homosexual persuasion.  That probably offends me the most.  I never call a homosexual person the "g" word.  To me they are queer, fags or homos.  That may offend some, but I say too bad.  That is what they were called when I was growing up and that is what I  consider them, not the g word.  Homosexuals are living
a lifestyle that God doesn't approve of.  And I'M called homophobic simply because I know they are living a sinful life when they act out those urges. 

To me the word gay means feelings of being carefree and happy.  I still use the the word gay for that meaning.  You should see the looks I get when I say, I'm having a gay old time.  People tell me I cannot say that.  I say why not?  They tell me I'm offending homosexual people.  I say they offend me by using this word to define their immoral act.

Next is the homosexual community using the rainbow for their cause.  They have used what God created, the rainbow.  The rainbow is his promise that he'll never have another flood.  When I see a parade with the homosexuals and all the rainbow, I get sick to my stomach.

Next on my list is calling fat people obese.  Now why do that?  I mean if you're overweight, you already know it.  I'm fat, I know it.  I don't need an offensive word to call me overweight.  Call me fat or overweight.  I do not need to hear everyone on the news, on television and radio talk shows talking about those of us who are fat using the O word.

This is about diabetics.  See I can say things about being a diabetic in my blog.  Saying because so many people are overweight there are more diabetics in the US.  I wish they'd stop saying that.  Because that is not true. 

There are two types of diabetics.  Type one diabetics or Juvenal onset has nothing to do with their weight. Some of these diabetics were diagnosed when they were babies, and I mean little babies, not toddlers.  The new reports have to add there are more type 2 diabetics because of people being so fat.  I'm a type one diabetic, I've been one since I was 5, I was not overweight.  Besides back in the middle 1960's when I was diagnosed, there were not as many fat people.  My weight was normal.  The only thing about me that was High was my blood sugar.

Thinking a person is a senior citizen simply because they have gray or white hair.  That also offends me.  My hair turned grayish/white while I was in my 40's.  I had so many people think I was in my 50's simply because of my hair color.  They take a look at my hair and they think, oh she's old, she gets a senior citizen discount.  Most people are thrilled when they get their senior citizen discounts.  When I'm of age, I'll be happy, but I believe it's stealing when they give it to me when I'm not old enough. They tell me not to worry about it.

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