
Saturday, November 1, 2014

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and the National Football league refuses to wear gray ribbons.  They go batty during October and wear pink ribbons, use pink towels and the players have pink shoes.  Yet breast cancer doesn't kill as many people as type 2 diabetes.  I don't understand why the NFL refuses to acknowledge diabetes awareness month.

I mean come one.  The NFL has a Juvenile onset diabetic playing!  Jay Cuttler, quarterback for the Chicago Bears has Juvenile Onset and he plays.  I don't know how many NFL players actually have or have had breast cancer themself.  Sure manybe their mother, mother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law or a friend, but not themself.  Why can't the NFL support a disease that someone who plays for them has.  The NFL could and should have everyone wear gray ribbons to show support for diabetes cure like they do for breast cancer.

Or even better, why not support prostate cancer.  Women don't get prostrate cancer.  Now some people say that women watch football.  Most women I know don't like football, they don't understand football, so they don't watch it nor do they understand why I watch it  They can't understand that I actually like it and understand what's going on.  What really burns my butt (pun intended) if they watch it, they only do it, to figure out who has the best looking butts.  Isn't that gross.  Why watch a sporting event to compare tushes.  GROSS and highschoolish.


Steve Finnell said...
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LRM said...

I removed this comment and placed it in the section it belonged. I do not like comments to be in sections that have nothing to do with what they are talking about. So this comment is now in the Bible passages againsts homosexual activity portion.

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