
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

One year later and still cancer free

I saw Dr. Berri, the cancer Dr. on Thursday May 21.  I also had another cat scan, it took 4 tries to get the IV in because of my crappie veins.  That was not fun.  The first woman tried putting it in, she was moving the damn thing around, even after I asked her not to.  I guess she "didn't hear" my request.  That hurt like hell.  Another gal came in and asked me if I was who I was.  I told her my name was Jane McGillacuticy.  She said really?  I said, yep.  Once the IV is in, then I'm back to (my real name... remember I don't write my name here).

But at one point I had four women in the room with me!  One of them came in to see what all the "fun" was about.  In the end, they used my right thumb.  That was a first for me. Never before has my thumb been used for an IV.  Let me repeat, I HATE IV's.

I am still cancer free ☺ and my kidneys are still going strong. They have to do a few kidney blood tests to make sure your kidneys can flush out the iodine. Dr. Berri told me since the abscess didn't show up on the cat scan we could stop packing it! This means that I will finally be bandage free on my abdomen after a year. My first surgery was May 20, 2014. I have to see Dr. Berri in November for another cat scan, blood work for the cancer markers & the kidney function.  I also no longer have to see Dr. Israel, our primary care physician, unless I'm sick.  I am a happy camper.

I then see Dr. Berri in May 2016, then November 2016, then May 2017.  After that, it's every June beginning 2018 until 2023.  After that, I'm not sure.  They didn't give me a schedule that far in advance.

1 comment:

Eric d said...

really i love them,! lol, i HATE THEM, TO,. i had, cancer to,. i hope,you know who this is,. i never,!talk about my !,.

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