
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Are CGM's worth it?

I've come to the conclusion that for me CGM's aren't worth the price, time and effort they require.  I've had nothing but problems since I've gotten mine.

First off, it's not getting any easier to inset the damn thing.  Now maybe it's because the gal who supposedly taught me how to insert it, really didn't.  I think she thought I was a baby diabetic, so she had to basically do it all.  I've read the stupid directions several times, watched the stupid video and still it doesn't make things any easier.  Now maybe it's because I have too much padding on my stomach is the reason I have so many problems putting the sensor in.  I just don't know.  But the last time I put one in, I drew blood.  And I have a bruise after taking it off and it's still sore.  So I'm not wearing it to let myself heal.

Secondly, the CGM and my Contour, my glucose meter, can be more than the 8-10% off.  Most of the time the CGM is lower than I really am.  I thought the CGM would be closer to my meter.  It's not.  I really didn't think I'd be checking my blood sugars more often after getting the CGM but I am.  It can tell me I'm 54 and when I go check, my meter can tell me, I'm 74, 84 or 94.  Now that's a BIG difference.

I'm glad I got the thing, but I'm not really happy with it.  I thought it'd make my life easier and it's not.  My husband says we'll use it when he goes out of town to make him feel better.  My problem is there have been times when I have been low at night and the meter has told me I've been high, as in over 150.  My husband wants me to wear it because I have never ever been able to tell when I'm in an insulin reaction (low blood sugar) at night.

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