
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Diabetic Blog Week

Diabetic Blog weeks begins next week.


I've never done anything like I'm about to, join a group of people, IE bloggers, IE diabetic bloggers and blog about the same subject each day.  So this will be something new and unique to me.

I hope I'll find more diabetic blogs to follow and more will want to follow me.  They'll have to realize that I'm a very unique person, I say what's on my mind and it's not always politically correct, or what the mainstream medical community think/s believes is correct.


Karen said...

I'm so glad you'll be joining in for DBlogWeek next week!! Thanks for signing up and for helping to spread the word!!

Eric d said...

so, what that's,! it not,always politically correct,. my blog,! won't be,. i say,whats on my mind,. if,! they don't, like it,. kiss this,.

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