I'm posting this early, as in Sunday evening because I have an appointment on Monday with my cancer doctor. I have to have a CT scan then see the doctor. This appointment lasts all day. So I'm posting this early so it gets out.
I started my blog because I didn't know any other type 1 diabetics personally. Since I began my blog, I have met two type 1 or juvenile onset diabetics. I know several type 2 diabetics, but since there is a BIG difference between the two there isn't a lot we can discuss without getting into arguments. Both sides are at fault.
I wanted a place where I could say what I wanted without censor. Whenever I'd start to talk about my being a juvenile onset diabetic to the type 2's, they'd tell me I wasn't doing things right. That I had type 1 diabetes not juvenile onset. Well when I was diagnosed back in 1965, it was called juvenile onset and that is what I've known it as and I still refer to it as.
So I guess my message is that NOT ALL DIABETICS ARE THE SAME. Not every one of us get shaky, confused when their blood sugars drop to a certain level. Not every diabetic thinks a CGM is the best thing. Just because I'm on the T:slim G4 doesn't mean my numbers are better than they were when I was on the vial and syringe. I know most diabetes think/believe the pump is the best thing. For me it's just more convenient. I've had problems with bad sites more times than most. My numbers are not better. It's just easier having the pump figure out the units of insulin I need.
True. Everyone has different experiences with diabetes, even if we have the same type.
so, true,! i like to rant a lot on my,. can't do it any where but there,. & everyone have there own,! different experiences with diabetes,!. i do,! my sister do,everyone do,.
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