We have our new President, Donald J. Trump.
If conservatives and/or republicans would have acted this was any time during former President Obama's time in office, we would have been called racist. Told we didn't want or respect a Negro, black man, colored man who was our President. I really think it's time you people should start acting like mature adults. There's no reason for your stupid reactions, NONE AT ALL.
The woman's march on DC the day after President Trump was inaugurated, that was embarrassing. They didn't allow or want those of us who believe that babies are human, babies are people in the womb. Abortion=murder. Women do not have the right to kill their babies just because. In most cases an abortion does not save the life of the mother, especially not the partial birth abortions. If the woman's march was truly a woman's march, they would have allowed all women and allowed those who disagreed with them to march beside them and have their signs. They didn't.
ISIS and the radical Islamic terrorists promised they'd get into the US via Syrian refugees. The list of 7 countries President Trump put the temporary ban on, came from former President Obama. Got that, former President Obama made this list and President Trump used that list.
President Trump wants to make sure the way we allow people into the US goes deep enough so there are no ISIS or radical Islamic terrorists. There is nothing wrong with that. We need to keep our country safe first, then allow in others. Vetting refugees is fine.
As for the Mexican Wall. We don't need Illegal aliens walking across the border any longer. None of them. Not moms and dads with their children. Not drug dealers. None of them. If you came to the US illegally you don't belong here. You should be made to leave. You didn't come here legally. You didn't follow the proper channels. You need to leave and come back correctly.
President Trump is crossing off his campaign promises. How many of our other Presidents, both democrat and republican have done that. And so quickly? At least he's not sitting on his butt doing nothing. He's working. Plus, he's only taking, I believe, a $1.00 salary.
1 comment:
i don't care about them. never did. i stay out of this stuff. to much hate to me. now for Obama. well he need to go to jall. where he need to be.
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