I really and I mean I REALLY hate having more than one doctor. I didn't until my cancer surgery. Now I have three. Of course, I could have said to hell with my daughter and husbands suggestion of seeing an Endocrinologist because I've done fine without one for over 45 years. But me having to be the go between for the three doctors isn't a piece of cake. And when their phone lines aren't like they were back in the late 60's and early 70's, well that just make things even more difficult.
My endocrinologist is in one town, the cancer surgeon in another and thankfully my primary care doctor is in the stupid town I live in. But all of their phone systems are different. I had to make sure both the endocrinologist and cancer surgeon received the results from my CT scan. They didn't. So I had to run around to get them. And I had a special blood test done for the endocrinologist, she said she never got the results, even after I called the lab and asked them to fax them to her office and put it Attention to her name.
This past week has not been fun.
I'm going to be getting a CGM, or Continuous Glucose Monitor. My primary care doctor doesn't see the need for one. Thankfully my
endocrinologist allows me to say what I feel and goes with it. She doesn't tell me what I should or shouldn't do, she gives suggestions. That is one reason I like her. I've been a type 1 or juvenile onset diabetic longer than she's been a doctor... on September 18 I've begun my 50th year.
I just wish the doctors would communicate with each other directly and not expect me to do it. I also with the stupid hospital would get the directions straight. When I say a doctors office wants the cat scan image results, that means they want the images, not just the written report.
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