
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Me and Depression

Ya know, I really get pissed off with other juvenile onsets/type 1 diabetics or those in the medical profession say I'm depressed simply because of my being a diabetic. I want to beat them with a 2 by 4 whenever they say this because it's simply not true. I'm not one of those diabetics who will blame every ache and pain on their diabetes. I've read on a lot of the forums where some of the diabetics like to blame everything bad that happens to them on their diabetes. Not me.

I have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Yes that can happen to juvenile onset diabetics. I'm not blaming it on my being a diabetic because all of my mother's relatives have it. I got it earlier than my cousins did, so that can be because of my diabetes, but it didn't bring on my high blood pressure nor my high cholesterol.

I had to have cataracts removed from both my eyes. They were not due to my having juvenile onset diabetes. Nope. They came about BEFORE I was diagnosed with diabetes. I was born with them. Yep there are some of us who are born with cataracts.

As for my depression. I hate living where I do. I mean I really hate the stupid state and city were I live. It's unfriendly and it doesn't get enough snow for me. And in the wintertime, the people whine about how cold it is. It rarely gets below zero. NOT that I like it that cold mind you. But I grew up in Minnesota and there are times when it'll be below zero for a week at a time. And WE don't whine about it. We accept it.

So my depression, from what the psychiatrist or shrink as I call them told me, is called environmental depression. Taking medication won't help any. Chocolate doesn't do anything for it. I have found that when I'm lower than my usual depressed state, if I have extra salty foods, it'll bring me up to my normal depressed state.

I'm depressed also because of my back hurting all the time. At the moment I have found a tiny bit of relief from a massage therapist. Unfortunately the one who does the most good is also going to chiropractic school out of state, so for the moment, she's gone. I've been to the woman who taught her, but it doesn't appear she'll be as good for me. I don't know what I'm going to do. Being in pain 24/7 is not any fun. Not being able to do anything SUCKS big time. Not being able to exercise to help remove the excess weight I have doesn't help with my depression either.

At times I wish I could blame everything on my having Juvenile Onset Diabetes. That would be so easy and so simple. It's all because of my diabetes. End of story.


Eric d said...
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Eric d said...

try,! this , for yours back pain !. it helps my,. & it,! don,t hurt my bg, to,. maybe,! it can help, yours,.

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